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Patterns and Play Dough Play

Play Dough Play Ideas - Our Little Treasures

An exploration into the world of patterns was the theme for today's play. I set up this quick invitation by laying out some colourful play dough and textured rollers for her to use. I then got her to go around the house and look for other everyday objects we could use to create different patterns.

Play Dough Play Ideas - Our Little Treasures

Some of the things we picked up included a comb, (which actually left such a nice pattern), kitchen utensils (a fork, some random piece from our milk frother), hair clips, wooden sticks, bottle caps and animal figurines. You could also use things like plastic bottles, egg crates, lego pieces, golf balls, plastic nets etc. 

Play Dough Sensory Play - Our Little Treasures

Miss A was especially amused with using her animal figurines, in particular the dog, she loved seeing the little paws left on the dough. 

Play Dough Sensory Play Ideas - Our Little Treasures

For those with slightly older toddlers, you can even talk to them about the patterns they make, ask them to feel the patterns and describe the feeling to you.

Play Dough Sensory Play Ideas - Our Little Treasures

It's a simple activity which can help develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and exploration of textural differences. It can also help little ones work on their fine motor skills and build up strength in their hands with all the rolling, squishing and pressing objects down into the dough. It's a fun activity for all and you'll be surprised by how many beautiful prints you can create with everyday items you have lying around at home.  

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